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Top tips on how to tap the pocket sized money machine that's already five times bigger than the Internet. Finally you could be in exactly the right place at precisely the right time for a market that's going to leave more wealth in its wake than anything you've ever seen before.

Going mobile will turn into the fastest, effortless money you'll ever make but you might not know it yet and you have got everything you need so get ready to arm your self with the missing pieces of the puzzle today. And when you snap the last pieces into place you'll be amazed. Thing is, I noticed that more people are starting to spent more time on their cell phones than sitting in front of a PC, think about it, if you leave the house, what are the main things you bring with you? Your keys and cell phone, although the Web is getting overrun with advertising very few people seem to be advertising on mobile phones. Cell phone advertising is the biggest wave of the century, here's why, mobile is the best way you'll ever find to break into affiliate marketing right now and the greatest part about mobile marketing is that it is so easy to do. Did you know that Google are not calling themselves a search engine anymore, their new mantra is mobile first and they're going on the record warning desktops will be irrelevant in just three years time, so get prepared for the tidal wave. The companies who are on the inside of this trend, are sneakily watching it play out and scrambling to reinvent themselves from scratch to make mobile the next big thing.

Did you know that Apple don't want to be in the computer business anymore? They are now trying to be a mobile company. More than half of all new Internet connections are from mobile smartphones and iPads, these 5 billion mobile phone users and 51 million plus smartphone surfers are carrying these pocket-sized computers around with them in their pocket around the clock. If you cell phone advertise your add is going to be the only one on the page, once you see this you'll understand straight away why mobile conversion rates blow regular Internet marketing out of the water, just think of the potential for a minute.

There's no better time to be a newbie than right now, you have to take action right now if you want to be one of the early movers to seize this prime real estate holding the high ground when this trend hits its peak.

You've got time, but not much, go click the link below to find out about this new wave, many thanks, Michael Bonner.

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